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Среда, 18-Дек-2024, 08:43

Главная » Файлы » Техническая литература » Гидравлика

Pipeline Design for Water Engineers
[ ] 01-Мар-2009, 21:39
"... the book is at its best in the design and analysis sections and could stand on these alone as a well-stocked handbook with copious references for further study," commented the Journal of the National Water Council after publication of an earlier edition of Pipeline Design for Water Engineers. 
This classic monograph has been revised and updated to take account of new developments in the field. Recent research in cavitation and flow control has prompted additional sections to be added. There are also new sections on supports to exposed pipes and secondary stress. Additional references and a new layout make up this edition. Some sections appearing in previous editions, noteably on pipe network systems analysis and optimization have been ommitted as they were considered more appropriate in the author's parallel book ``Pipeflow Analysis'' (Developments in Water Science, 19).

Категория: Гидравлика | Добавил: mytechbook
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